ZBS Resources Usage Rules

1 Client is strictly prohibited to host websites:
1.1 containing child pornography;
1.2 containing propaganda of violence, fascism, communism, extremism, terrorism, nationalism, chauvinism, racial hatred and / or proclaiming one particular race, nationality or sex as superior to others and / or declaring other races, nationalities, sex as lower, as well as websites containing calls for the overthrow of legitimate authority in any State;
1.3 encouraging, supporting or advocating activities that violate federal, republican or local laws and / or violating Estonian or international agreements;
1.4 falling under the category “warez” or file archives that distribute materials protected by copyright law;
1.5 advocating hacking, cracking, or distributing passwords to adult websites or any other paid resources.
2 Client is strictly prohibited Perform actions, including:
2.1 Unauthorized distribution or copying of software (piracy or “warez”) without relevant Agreements authorizing such activities;
2.2 make changes in any software that is protected by author’s rights
2.3 violation of international, Estonian agreements;
2.4 deception, which may cause moral or physical damage;
2.5 Modification and distribution of software provided by the Client and / or third parties without written permission of the Contractor or legal owners of author’s rights
2.6 narcotic and toxic substances trade without appropriate authorization documents, which the Client undertakes to provide to the ZBS at the moment of signing the Agreement;
2.7 Unauthorized copying and distribution of files protected by international and / or Estonian copyright laws, such as music, video films, software, emulators and ROM protected by author’s rights;
2.8 other actions that violate current laws and regulations of Estonia and the norms of international law;
2.9 usage of bots or any other programs that run a remote console on computational resources without special agreement.
2.10 unauthorized sale of access to third party applications installed on servers; *All other violations, not described above, are considered separately, before the fact of misconduct is established.
3 Client is strictly prohibited to practice upon computational resources provided by the ZBS by performing the following actions:
3.1 hacking – attempts to penetrate Intranet networks of the ZBS or networks and computers accessible through the Internet, without the appropriate permission;
3.2 usage of fictitious e-mail addresses on servers in the ZBS’s network or on the servers of the third-parties’ network;
3.3 trolling – mailing of offensive messages in order to receive multiple responses;
3.4 mailbombing – sending of messages of the same content in large numbers to the same e-mail address and / or placing a person on the mailing list without notification and consent of the latter, as well as mailing of messages that do not correspond to the subject, to a large number of newsgroups;
3.5 SPAM is the distribution of unrequested messages, regardless of their size or nature, to persons who did not give their permission to make such mailings to them, mailing of unrequested advertisements that do not correspond to the subject to multiple addresses and / or newsgroups, as well as generating of more letters than in time of normal use, without any need. SPAM-mailings are strictly punishable – up to the termination of the contract with charging the penalty from the owner’s account, defined by the ZBS. A message is understood as any message send via e-mail, iMessage, Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber, IRC, Jabber and other similar means / protocols of personal information exchange, as well as messages in guest books, forums, etc .;
3.6 conduction of any kind of checks and scanning of computer system ports in the ZBS networks or other networks accessible via the Internet without the appropriate permission;
3.7 product of any kind of attacks on computer systems in ZBS networks or other networks accessible through the Internet. Such violations will be suppressed by the ZBS by blocking access to the Client’s services from the network without the right to receive compensation from the Client.
3.8 network flood – the consumption of traffic / network packets from / to the Client’s equipment in automatic mode.
4 Client is strictly prohibited to make unauthorized business contacts manipulation, which includes (but is not limited with) mailing discrediting honor and dignity, scandalous or personal information about a person without their permission, intentional infliction of moral damage, the result of which may be emotional stress. In addition, a violation of author’s rights, illegal copying and malpractice of trademarks and violation of other intellectual property rights will be treated as the same misconduct.